
NGS for Diagnosis

The Silva Pattern-based Classification for HPV-associated Invasive Endocervical Adenocarcinoma

Dimension Reduction

Pancancer BRCA


scarHRD and sequenza

ion2cbioportal Rpackage This is Rpackage for making the cbioportal dataset from the ion torrent NGS result files. The formats of ion torrent result files are vcf and tsv. Those files convert to maf format and other data set for cbioportal. The package includes vignette. vignette("ion2cbioportal")

Annotation Redundancy

The 71st Annual Fall Meeting of Korean Society of Pathologists Case presentation at molecular pathology lecture

Big Data TCGA

Abstact TCGA is a large consortium of comprehensive cancer genomic research that opens publically the data. There are several way to access to the TCGA data. This talk introduce among the simple ways.