
When the penalized generalize linear model (Lasso or Ridge) is processed in the tidymodel environment, finalizing the hyperparameter …

This is a note for Elements of information theory of Thomas M. Cover. The entropy (\(H\)) is a measure of uncertainty of a variable …

This is summary of Boyd convex optimization. Steepest descent method is a convex optimization algorithm. The normalized steepest …

This is a summary of the Boyd convex optimization book. The strong convexity assumption can be useful to explain the iterative …

Machine Learning and Tidymodel Model setting, {Parsnip} Rpackage Parsnip standardizes model specification. Tidymodel follows the …

Key Note J.J. Allaire RStudio becomes Public B Corp. J.J. Allaire’s favorite book Fooled by Randomness RStudio has restructured as a …

This is a note of applied machine learning workshop RStudion conference 2020 Why is it hard to predict (domain knowledge). purrr::map …

There is a homology between a line segment and a convex set. It is helpful to understand the convex set. A line, a line segment, and …

Finally arrive at reproducing kernel Hilbert space. The above post …

Dr. Dina R. Mody HPV test DNA HPV test will fail. BD (Oncolarity) is for a screening test. genotype 66 high risk. False-negative 10%. …